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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

June 7, 2010


I went to Kurt's psych department graduation ceremony this evening. They had 2 ladies read the names of the graduates as they filed by on stage. After the keynote speaker the two women stood up from their chairs on stage...there was at least a foot difference between their heights. Initially I thought one was standing on a step or something, but no. They walked around to the front of the stage where they had to share a microphone. Share a microphone! They ended up locking it in place at about the top of the short lady's head. She could then stand on her toes and the tall woman could hunch over, well...bend is more like it, to speak into it. Oh man. Who planned that one?

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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
