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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

September 30, 2009


Today was the first day of my last year at UW. I saw a guy carrying a stuffed animal lion on his shoulders, saw another guy doing yoga in the quad wearing jeans and a button down shirt, ran into a million different people (it was 5), got hit with someone's keys, remembered how annoying over-talkative/show-off types are who aren't always on topic with their comments, and discovered I have two great professors (we'll see about the third tomorrow) that will make this a great quarter. I love UW. And that is not sarcastic (in case you weren't sure).

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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
