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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

October 4, 2013

The Roths

Karen and Gordon Roth are extremely kind and generous people.  So kind and generous that they offered to have their son's sister-in-law and her family move in with them until they could get on their feet!

The Roths made our move possible.  After prayer and reflection both Kurt and I felt strongly that we needed to move soon and not wait until January (when Kurt will start school).  But with an apartment lease we couldn't get out of in Washington and no job between the two of us (in Utah) it seemed impossible that we could.  Moving in with the Roths gave us a way to make it happen!  They let us put our stuff in their garage and we lived down in the basement. 

Kurt had much better success job searching once we moved here.  He got a job our second week here!  Later that week we found a place to live!  The location was perfect- less than a mile from my sister's house, and only a 10 minute drive for Kurt to work and school. 

The stars aligned! 

I felt weird/apprehensive about moving in with my sisters in-laws.  When you're married and have a baby you don't expect to live with other people, or to not be able to afford your own place.  But it went great (I hope the Roths agree!).  Hattie loved having more people around than just me and Kurt.  I think she gets bored with us.  Also, Charlotte and Olivia (Hattie's cousins) sleep over at their grandparents' house quite often so we got to spend lots of time with them.  Charlotte loved her 'cuties' as she called Hattie and Livi. And Olivia came to love Hattie too!  She now calls her Hat- it's adorable!

We ended up staying there a month!  Honestly, I thought it was going to be longer, but I'm glad things worked out so well!  I can't thank Karen and Gordon enough for helping us out!

Here are some pictures from our stay:

Playing with beads:

Hattie loved the rocking horse!

And she started standing a lot more!

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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
