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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

October 25, 2014

Family Photos 2014

A few weeks ago we got our pictures taken by Elise of Elise Allred Photography (she's in our ward and awesome).  We just got them back today and I love them!  The last time we had professional photos taken was April 2013- when Hattie was 3 months old.  Now she's 21 months and quite changed.  We'll have to get pictures again after Baby Z arrives!

October 22, 2014

It's a boy!

Oh boy!  Baby Z is a boy!  Baby boy Biehl.  My oh my!  I'm so excited, but also a bit nervous.  I know it will be wonderful and awesome and I'll love this little fella as much as I do Hattie, but having a baby sure changes things.  Everything is put out of whack until you settle in and it becomes your new normal.  But I already know this little guy will have an amazing father and big sister! Thankfully, Hattie loves Lena- she always wants to give her kisses.  Hopefully this is a good omen for the future!  And I love being a mom.  It's the best job I've ever had by far!  I can't wait to meet our little boy in a few months!  Half way there!

Look at that cute face!

And everything looked good at the ultrasound.  He's measuring right on target and heart, brain, blood flow, hands, feet, diaphragm, and everything else they measured looks great.  The doctor came in and talked to us for all of two seconds to say it looked great and he has no concerns.  Sounds good to me!

Halloween Party

We went to a Halloween Party this past weekend.  I made us these skeleton outfits for the occasion:

Hattie was terrified for the first 30 minutes or so.  Someone was wearing a scary mask and she was so afraid.  She was clinging to me or Kurt and even started crying.  He felt awful and took his costume off (which was super nice) and Hattie eventually calmed down.  She enjoyed playing in the boats:

And participated in the ball fight between kids and dads.  She was definitely the youngest participant.

I know it's super blurry, but she's throwing a ball at me in this one.

Kurt and Hattie are pretty cute as skeletons!

I'm glad Hattie was able to calm down and enjoy herself (so we could have fun too!).  It was a good start to Halloween!


My mom, aka Moppy to the grandkids, came in to town for a few days to meet baby Lena!  We spent some time with her, Charlotte, and Olivia at the park.

This toy was a big hit.

With lots of kids!

But this is really where Hattie spent most of her time:

We love when Moppy's in town!

Baby in a box

I just love this cute girl!

Lena Marie

I was surprised to get a call from my brother-in-law Joe around 10:40pm on October 7th.  He told me Megan was in labor and they needed to get to the birthing center.  Could I come over until his mom got there so the girls weren't alone (they were fast asleep).  Of course!  I got there about 10 minutes later at 10:50pm.  Joe was in the garage getting down the infant car seat.  He told me Megan was inside with the doula, Marie.  I went in to let her know I was there...the doula asked me to go get Joe ASAP!  So I ran to get him!  I also heard Marie say they weren't making it to the birthing center!  Whoa!  I got Joe and a few minutes later at 11:01pm (I recorded the time!) Lena Marie was born!  In the bathroom!  It was crazy and awesome and I'm so glad everything went so well (and so quickly!).  Both Megan and baby Lena are doing well.  She's a perfect little girl who can sleep through anything!  Which is a good quality in a younger sister.  Here she is!

The night she was born:

The proud parents!  Also- Char and Livi slept through the whole thing!

Hattie meeting her new cousin for the first time!

Me and Lena.  Lena is family name on my side (also Megan's middle name) and Marie is after the doula who delivered her!

Such a beautiful girl!  Congratulations Roth family!

Also, just FYI, this whole experience gave me hope for my next delivery.  Maybe it won't be 18 hours of labor.  Fingers crossed!


Hattie's becoming an excellent stacker of blocks.

Knocking them over with her face.  What a whackadoodle.

The videos are my favorite!  When I'm building I have us both count the blocks and I always have to tell her to wait to knock over the towers.  

Pumpkin Patch

Hattie loves pumpkins.  Thanks to books and Halloween episodes of her shows she knows what they are and points them out to me when we're walking or driving.  And she loved the pumpkin patch!

Driving the tractor:

She literally picked up the first pumpkin she saw.

 Helping Dad

Couldn't quite get this one

Posing with the scarecrows!

We still need to carve or paint our finds.  Can't decide which!  

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About Me

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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
