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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

February 4, 2009


Really people? Really? Did no one notice that I had "occurrances" spelled wrong on my blog title for the entire time it's existed? Or did you notice and just not tell me? It should be "occurEnces". With an E. You were all just laughing behind my back weren't you? Oh man! Charity Johnson is SUCH an idiot. You'd think she would double check her spelling before putting it on the internet for people to see? Yeah, well...you would think that.

Enough of that. Needless to say, I am a bit of an idiot sometimes...I mean it only took me a few months to realize my mistake and I'm guessing I look at this blog more than anyone.


  1. Charity Johnson is SUCH AN idiot, not "Charity Johnson is SUCH and idiot"..... Oh wait I mean you aren't an idiot in fact you are very smart :)

  2. SHOOT! Thanks for the correction and the complement.

  3. I read your blog through google reader and rarely see it directly

  4. And do you mean "I look at this blog..." rather than "I look at his blog..."? I can't imagine you would really like all your comments received to be spelling watchdog comments do you? I think you are doing fin.

  5. AHHH! Ok...so maybe i just suck at speling.


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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
