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August 2017: Highlights

August was a busy month!  Be prepared for a long post! Roman turned 9 months old! He weighed in at 22lbs (85%) and measured 29 inches (70%...

February 1, 2009


So I've been tagged a few times on Facebook to write 25 random facts about myself, but I don't feel like forcing anyone else to do the same by tagging them (because obviously being tagged in a "25 random facts" note is a binding contract requiring said tag-ee to write one himself). So here's my list:

  1. I never set my alarm clock to a time that ends in 5 or 0
  2. I like Sci-Fi
  3. I eat an apple a day

  4. I did gymnastics for 9 years
  5. I named a stuffed animal Octavian
  6. I like to read
  7. I have a homework schedule
  8. I play Scrabble online
  9. I love ice cream- rocky road is my favorite
  10. I sleep with one of those curvy, foam pillows (and I no longer wake up with headaches)
  11. My favorite college classes thus far have been European Witch Trials and Holocaust History

  12. I'm not looking forward to graduation- I have no idea what to do after college!
  13. I was scared of the IMA until this year.
  14. The only famous person I've met is Kerri Strug (1996 Olympic Gold Medalist in gymnastics)
  15. I played racquetball for the first time last week and loved it (thank you Chris!)
  16. The best part of high school was volleyball

  17. I've fallen in public more times than I can count
  18. I've seen orca whales while kayaking
  19. I was called Charity-Ann-Kid as a child (and another name that still angers me)
  20. I've given someone a bloody nose
  21. My family calls me Chew
  22. I taught myself how to play the guitar
  23. I enjoy community and non-community(?) theater (thanks to my mom's budding career as an actress)
  24. I bite my nails...
  25. I'm SUPER excited to be an aunt!!!!

P.S. Heroes starts up again tomorrow (Monday Feb 2). Watch it. 9pm on nbc...and go to FHE

1 comment:

  1. Because of number 25, I won't reveal the other name alluded to in number 19, Charity-Ann-...


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Tidbits from my life. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids; Hattie and Roman here with me, and Henry up in heaven. It's the best job ever!
